
Why I am Voting for Luana Alapa for OHA Moloka‘i Trustee

In recent weeks I have received several calls & inquiries from Hawaiians & Non-Hawaian voters asking me about who I will be voting for in the OHA Trustee Moloka‘i race. I am letting people know publicly that I am voting for Luana Alapa for OHA Trustee from Moloka‘i because I know her to be honest, diligent, approachable and capable and because she has a proven record of working for decades with the Hawaiian Community in women empowerment and fostering children. She has personally guided women and children in self-esteem building.

I first met Luana Alapa years ago at a luncheon she spoke at. She related how, as a young Hawaiian woman, she had a dream that she would one-day become Miss Hawai‘i. She talked about how she had been "advised" by some people, not to get her hopes up because she was competing against other women who had money, families with well known names and "political connections". She did not give up & instead decided to go forward with the best she had to give - she focused on her knowledge of Hawaiian culture & ALOHA. She won!

This experience gave birth to her strong commitment to start a small business dedicated to helping other young women from Hawaii, experience & benefit from the opportunity to learn public speaking & to meet people from Hawai‘i in Business, Government, Culture & every profession that contributes to Hawaii's State Economy. People who know Luana Alapa will tell you that she is dedicated to expanding opportunities for Hawaiians especially our women, youth and families. 

Luana's greatest strength is her ability to focus on & work positively towards the goals she sets for herself & that of her community & family. Her life demonstrates this, and her past achievements and current commitments as an OHA candidate for Molokai shows that her motives in seeking public office are to support sustainability and advancement of the Hawaiian People through education, job training, affordable housing, & health. 

For years, OHA has been the subject of State & Federal investigations, two State Audits, an in-house OHA Audit that cost beneficiaries over $500,000.00, several legal cases and State legislative sanctions withholding OHAʻs ceded land revenues. These actions occurred because the "old boys" network of politically connected OHA Trustees have failed miserably to address affordable housing for over 25,000 Hawaiian DHHL beneficiaries and to disclose the whereabouts of "millions" of missing trust funds given to LLC's and others with personal ties to OHA Trustees & staff. Because of personal & political agendas, OHA as a State Agency has been mired in controversy, and plagued with in-fighting. 

This is why I am supporting Luana Alapa for the OHA Moloka‘i Trustee position. Luana Alapa has no personal or political agenda. She has a long record of working for Hawaiian youth and young women, supporting critical community needs like Malama Meals for the hungry on Molokai and raising money for Moloka‘i youth groups committed to implementing community Health programs. Luana Alapa is a team player, works with everyone and does not take "Political" sides. She is dedicated to her people, to Hawaii and believes that the best way to work for Hawaii's future is to address and resolve the issues of the Hawaiian community.

It's time we make the needed changes at OHA. We need new leadership that can focus on the fiduciary duty of OHA to all Hawaiian beneficiaries, instead of prioritizing grant awards to their friends & family, hiding the LLC accounts and wasting "millions" on legal fees in order to conceal past questionable and possibly illegal activities. 

We have the ability to use our vote to make change. In these trying times of COVID, hunger and unemployment, a vote for Alapa is a vote for change in the right direction.

I am voting for Luana Alapa for OHA Trustee for Molokai, & urging others to do the same. 

The only way to correct the problems at OHA is to make change, Luana Alapa is committed to these goals & is an agent for positive change. It's up to us to help her get in. This is why I am voting for Luana Alapa for OHA Molokai Trustee & encouraging everyone else to join me. It's not about being Hawaiian, it's about standing up for what is right! 

Everyone, not just Hawaians can vote for OHA, we need everyone to make that vote count by voting for Luana Alapa. 

OHA is a Hawaii State Agency and everyone can vote!

Mililani B. Trask